MYNFREL is a non-profit organization, with a vision that democracy will thrive in Myanmar society, working to strengthen democratic representation through safeguarding free and fair elections and supporting well-informed participation of citizens in the electoral process.
We believe that democracy will only function when citizens from all strata of life are truly represented. Elections are important to be free and fair and citizen’s participation needs to be active, well-informed and organized in order to have truly democratic representation through which citizens can fully enjoy their democratic rights.
With that in mind, we have been and are still committed to supporting democratic election to be free and fair, promoting citizens’ participation in the election process by raising awareness about the elections and democratic rights and observing every election.
MYNFREL was founded in June 2010 as Ad hoc Network to observe 2010 general election which introduced democratic transition of Myanmar after more than 50 years of authoritarian rules. The founders of MYANFREL come from diverse organizational and social backgrounds to work together for ensuring the smooth democratic transition of the country. It is one of the first network organizations who observed the elections for the first time in Myanmar since its democratic transition.
Since its founding date, MYNFREL has been working on election-related issues together with local and international partners who share the same values.
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